Contact Dongguan Pustar Adhesive & Sealants Co., Ltd. »  PTCL Phone Directory 2019 - Online Pakistan Telephone Directory & Local Businesses

Dongguan Pustar Adhesive & Sealants Co., Ltd.

Chemicals, Adhesives & Sealants

About Pustar

Pustar, located in Dongguan, Guangdong province, China, is a globally integrated company supplying specialty chemicals markets. It is a leader in polyurethane products used in sealing, bonding, waterproofing and protecting in construction and automotive industry. approximately 300 employees ensure the quality and quantity of mass production。

About Pustar Products

Pustar Polyurethane adhesive and sealants has the features of wet solidify, with no solvent, no shrinking, no flowing and strong bonding. It is waterproof, oil resistant, anti-aging and shock resistant. without corrosion and pollution to base material and environment. It is widely used in the sealing and maintenance of all kinds of materials for vehicle body and front glass, mechanics, shipbuilding, astronomic, military, automobile, large screen, decoration and etc.
We also manufacture constructive adhesives and sealants for sealing and water proofing of distortion gap, construction gap, curtain wall, b

Tags: Adhesives & Sealants,

Yantian industrial park, Yantian town, Dongguan city, Guangdong, Dong Guan 523000, Guandong, China

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